WhatsApp is bringing auto disappearing messages and it will be available for groups. The main reason behind the feature is to de-clutter messages in groups that nobody may read. Options to automatically remove messages have been around for a while in Telegram secret chats, and earlier this year, we learned that WhatsApp might be working […]
Autonomous Cars and Why We Need Them
There is now automation and artificial intelligence integration in almost everything, which includes the manufacturing of the regular vehicles that we drive around today. Our smartphones have AI assistants embedded in them, and in large automobile manufacturing facilities, AI-assisted robotic arms are putting together cars with pinpoint precision and at unprecedented speeds that human hands […]
Pentagon Still Running Windows 95 , 98 and Windows XP
It’s shocking Pentagon still uses Windows 95 and 98 on Critical systems even today. The United Staes Department of Defence is planning to migrate to Windows 10. And this migration is part of a broader effort announced in collaboration with Microsoft. And the transition to the new operating system is projected to be finalized in the […]
Learn What’s New In The World Of Graphic Design And Programming
Technology is a wonderful thing. In the last few decades, technology has advanced leaps and bounds in an effort to make our lives easier. Before, we had to have a radio, calculator, alarm clock, phone, TV, computer, and so much more — now you have nearly everything you need on your smartphone. It’s no surprise, […]
Google’s Nexus 7 Versus iPad Mini By Apple
Nexus 7 and iPad mini are the two great iPads in the market these days. Both with their own ideal characteristics attract the users. By analyzing both of the iPads, I found the following differences and similarities quite interesting among the two. The first thing we look for, in the new gadget we are interested […]