Youtube is the most popular video streaming website. YouTube has thousands of streaming videos on nearly every topic. Which are  free to watch.Certain videos that contain nudity, explicit, or violence content are put under 18+ category and you can’t watch these videos on YouTube unless you are logged into your YouTube / Google account.In this […]
7 Facebook Tricks To Avoid Yourself From Getting Hated
Beware! Don’t sync your  Twitter account with Facebook , if you are someone who tweets every 10 minutes will end by flooding the live-stream of your friends and  they will end up marking hide your updates . Do not add people you do not have any kind of relationship, if you ask someone to add it is because […]
Top 10 Posts of 2010 on Techpraveen
Techpraveen features mainly on Computer Tips & Tricks, Softwares,useful websites, tutorials. The aim of this site is to experiment all hacks that you can do your your Pc. 🙂 This blog contains a very huge collection of computer articles covering, Internet, real time technology updates, Tips, Tricks,Cool Website, all kinds of How to,Virus Solutions, Tutorials,Utilities,Windows […]
5 Useful Command Prompt Tricks for Easy Operation
There are two ways to work in Windows Operating System i.e GUI(Graphical User Interface) and CUI(Command User Interface).In this post lets see the importance of Command Prompt and how to make it simpler to use.MS-DOS gives you complete control over what your computer does 🙂 . 1. Command Prompt History Many does not know that […]
Google Sphere Fun
Here is another Google trick which I read in DFS community in Orkut.I would like to share it here, Go to Type “Google Sphere” and then click “I’m feeling lucky” on Google, the entire page will start rotating. You can also use Google looses its Gravity directly from below link, Checkout other Google […]