How to access blocked website in your school, college or office?If you are a student or an employer, there could be some website not accessible in your office / school. This happens simply because your school or office have blocked access to those website. Here are some simple tips to access blocked website in your […]
Add Your Name or Application to right click Of My Computer
How To Add Your Name or Application to right click Of My ComputerPlay with your windows Xp with these Registry Hacks To write your name on right click application please follow the steps:1.Copy & Paste the following code in Notepad And then Save it as “hack.reg” Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Registry Editor]@=”Your Name Or Name of […]
3 Easy Ways To Change Start Button Text In Windows XP
3 Easy Ways To Change Start Button Text In Windows XPHow to Change Start Button in Windows Xp?One of the most annoying thing in windows XP is the start button text, which almost every user want to change as per my experience. I myself changed my start button text to different funny start button texts. […]
How to Check who is Invisible on Yahoo Messenger(YM)
How to Check who is Invisible on Yahoo Messenger(YM) Have you ever wondered why a person in your contact list appears offline to you all the time? Now you can spy your buddy to see his real yahoo status. Use Yahoo Messenger Invisible Scanner to detect if a user is in fact offline or just […]
How to Move a mouse Pointer without a mouse
How to Move a mouse Pointer without a mouse You can control your mouse pointer with keyboard keys in all windows versions. When your mouse stops working, you can enable this keyboard feature to complete your important work. This keyboard mouse can performs all tasks same like a normal mouse. Follow the given steps to activate […]